Monday, November 7, 2011

It's getting cold outside!

Life just gets busy sometimes. Sorry I'm not the best at blogging regularly but here are some things we've been up to lately.

I love my new jobs and I get to learn new things everyday! I'm in training and on my feet all day which I like so much more than sitting at a desk. Justin finished his first trimester at Palmer off really well and he is now into second tri. Only 8 more to go.... For Halloween we threw together some quick costumes for our ward's Trunk-or-Treat (a witch and a wizard). It was fun to see all our favorite little kids and babies dressed up too.
Justin got a gun for the house and took me out shooting with another couple last weekend. After that we went out to dinner and had some great food at Woodfire Grill. While we waited for our table we went up to the Skywalk in downtown Davenport. It has a really pretty view of the Mississippi at sunset.
Daylight saving kicked in so now its a little bit lighter out when we drive to school/work but it gets dark before 6pm which I don't really like. Its getting pretty cold out too! We all know how I feel about the cold so I'm not getting to excited for winter. We both got new calling since the last time I wrote. I am now an Activity Days leader and Justin is Weeblos leader. Since it's November and getting cold, I got out the handful of Christmas decorations we have and started listening to Christmas music. I just LOVE Christmas time! (and the new Justin Bieber Christmas album) 

We heard that Mitt Romney was coming to Davenport so Justin and I made sure to be there AND get a picture! Perfect for FHE! His speech was really impressive and he is super nice!
That's all for now!